Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America

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The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America (formerly the Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America) is an Eastern Orthodox organization of church Hierarchs in North and Central America.

The history of the Assembly began when delegates from the fourteen Autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Churches met at the Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambésy, Switzerland on June 6-12, 2009. At that time, the Conference decided to sanction the establishment of Episcopal Assemblies in twelve regions of the so-called Eastern Orthodox Diaspora which are beyond the boundaries of the Autocephalous Churches. Such assemblies will have the authority to propose future administrative structures for the Church in their respective regions.

The first conference of the Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America was held at the Helmsley Park Lane Hotel in New York on May 27-28, 2010 under the chairmanship of Archbishop Demetrios of America.

One of the major decisions reached at the Episcopal Assembly's first meeting was the dissolution of the Synod of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of America (SCOBA), and to assume all of SCOBA's functions, agencies and ministries.

Other issues discussed included requests to partition the present region of the Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America into two distinct regions of the United States and Canada, as well as to merge Mexico and Central America with the Assembly of South America.

Although autonomy is an issue for North and Central American churches, there was no direct statement from the assembly regarding autonomy for the Church in North and/or Central America.

Shortly after the May 2010 meeting the name of the assembly was changed to Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America to avoid possible confusion with the Episcopal Church of the United States.[1]


Attendees of the Inaugural Assembly (2010)

Of the sixty-six Hierarchs in the region, the following fifty-five were present at the founding Assembly in 2010:[2]

  1. Archbishop Demetrios (Trakatellis) of America, Chairman
  2. Metropolitan Philip (Saliba) of New York, Vice Chairman
  3. Archbishop Justinian (Ovchinnikov) of Naro-Fominsk, Vice Chairman
  4. Bishop Basil (Essey) of Wichita, Secretary
  5. Archbishop Antony (Scherba) of Hierapolis, Treasurer
  6. Metropolitan Iakovos (Garmatis) of Chicago
  7. Metropolitan Constantine (Bahan) of Irinoupolis
  8. Metropolitan Athenagoras (Aneste) of Mexico
  9. Metropolitan Methodios (Tournas) of Boston
  10. Metropolitan Isaiah (Chronopoulos) of Denver
  11. Metropolitan Nicholas (Smisko) of Amissos
  12. Metropolitan Alexios (Panagiotopoulos) of Atlanta
  13. Metropolitan Nikitas (Lulias) of Dardanellia
  14. Metropolitan Nicholas (Pissare) of Detroit
  15. Metropolitan Gerasimos (Michaleas) of San Francisco
  16. Metropolitan Evangelos (Kourounis) of New Jersey
  17. Metropolitan Paisios (Loulourgas) of Tyana
  18. Archbishop Yurij (Kalistchuk) of Toronto
  19. Bishop Christophoros (Rakintzakis) of Andida
  20. Bishop Vikentios (Malamatenios) of Apameia
  21. Bishop Savas (Zembillas) of Troas
  22. Bishop Andonios (Paropoulos) of Phasiane
  23. Bishop Ilia (Katre) of Philomelion
  24. Bishop Ilarion (Rudnyk) of Edmonton.
  25. Bishop Andriy (Peshko) of Krateia
  26. Bishop Demetrios (Kantzavelos) of Mokissos
  27. Bishop Daniel (Zelinskyy) of Pamphilon
  28. Bishop Antoun (Khouri) of Miami
  29. Bishop Joseph (Al-Zehlaoui) of Los Angeles
  30. Bishop Thomas (Joseph) of Charleston and Oakland
  31. Bishop Mark (Maymon) of Toledo
  32. Bishop Alexander (Mufarrij) of Ottawa
  33. Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) of New York
  34. Bishop Job (Smakouz) of Kashira
  35. Bishop Gabriel (Chemodakov) of Montreal
  36. Bishop Peter (Loukianoff) of Cleveland
  37. Bishop Theodosius (Ivashchenko) of Seattle
  38. Bishop George (Schaefer) of Mayfield
  39. Bishop Jerome (Shaw) of Manhattan
  40. Metropolitan Christopher (Kovacevich) of Midwestern America
  41. Bishop Maxim (Vasilijevic) of Western America
  42. Archbishop Nicolae (Condrea) of Chicago
  43. Bishop Ioan Casian (Tunaru) of Vicina
  44. Metropolitan Joseph (Bosakov) of America and Australia
  45. Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen) of Washington
  46. Archbishop Nathaniel (Popp) of Detroit
  47. Archbishop Seraphim (Storheim) of Ottawa
  48. Bishop Nikon (Liolin) of Boston
  49. Bishop Tikhon (Mollard) of Philadelphia
  50. Bishop Benjamin (Peterson) of San Francisco
  51. Bishop Melchisedek (Pleska) of Pittsburgh
  52. Bishop Alejo (Pacheco y Vera) of Mexico City
  53. Bishop Irineu (Duvlea) of Dearborn Heights
  54. Bishop Irénée (Rochon) of Quebec City
  55. Bishop Michael (Dahulich) of New York

See also


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